Production Engine Remanufacturers Association

Who are we?

Knowledge, experience and personal contacts are keys to success in any business. Fortunately, there is an organization that makes all three readily available to those in the engine remanufacturing industry.

The Production Engine Remanufacturers Association is an association of individuals and firms who are remanufacturing internal combustion engines and their major components, or are supplying necessary components, supplies and equipment required in the remanufacturing process.

The goal of the Association is to provide its members with the opportunity to exchange the ideas, methods and procedures necessary to efficiently produce remanufactured products which are equal or superior to original products in quality and performance.

PERA adheres to and supports the premise that its members are dedicated to the highest business ethics, customer satisfaction, employee consideration and to the continual up-grading of the engine remanufacturing industry.

Webinar Registration Link

July 17, 10:00am CST:

Understanding The Cummins Diesel

Cass Choate of Choate Engineering Performance is returning to tell you all about the Cummins diesel engine. He will take advantage of his vast experience to delve into its problems and what they’ve learned about fixing them.

Recent Webinars


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2024 Convention in Pittsburgh, PA

The 2024 PERA convention will be in Pittsburgh, PA September 25-27 at the Sheraton Hotel at Station Square

Pittsburgh & 3 Rivers

Pittsburgh has reinvented itself from AI to Robotics to Advanced 3D printing. Click the button below for all the exciting opportunities.

Sheraton Hotel at Station Square

Fantastic rooms and top restaurants make the Sheraton a leading destination in Pittsburgh!

2024 Convention Registration

The registration information and form will be available after July 4, 2024

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